2016年8月26日 星期五

努力中 .....

The University of Iceland has at its disposal a small number of guest apartments in Eggertsgata and Suðurgata, for the use of visiting scholars. The apartments can only be let to tenants with relations to the university.  Guest apartments can be booked by email to gestaibudir@hi.is . The apartments are usually not let for more than one month at a time, and it is not permissible to let more than three apartments to the same tenant. The apartments are not cleaned, nor are sheets or towels changed during the tenancy.




今天有 sales 至本院推銷新產品 聊著他們開發項目的背景和一些問題 從 java 到 easyvet, smartvet 等 HIS 瞬間腦袋思緒頓時一湧而來 在颱風前夕 讓我有感而發一下 民國 81 年考上獸醫師國考 完成國民義務後在臨床工作了五年 之後計畫是安排繼續出國進...