Alabama Shakes "Always Alright"
Well you come up stairs in the night to talk
Stay a little while then you do a little walk on home
I hear you downstairs smoking cigerettes, I hear your talking shit
Cuz you aint got nothing to talk about at all
Well you take me to the party you got me alone
Said you wanna feel good cuz you feel like your gonna explode
I don’t care I can’t pay attention,
I don’t give a fuck about your attention at all
Pass me the whiskey, Pass me the gin
Pass me whatever that’s going to let me in?
Well I don’t care if it’s 7 in the mornin’
For all I care it could be the second comin’
You said you couldn’t take it anymore
You can’t live like this, it’s a really big deal
I don’t care I can’t pay attention
I don’t give a fuck about your attention at all
We always alright
第55届佳葛萊美獎 年度新人
有人聽完他們的現場,驚呼「這根本是Janis Joplin顯靈」(就是唱經典歌曲 The rose 那位,所以希望成名後可別染毒),還有人說是「Etta James上身」!連Adele這位新科暢銷天后聽過他們的新歌〈Hold On〉後,都連連驚呼:我愛死這個團了!我相信,當你聽過他們唱歌,看過同樣胖胖的女主唱Brittany Howard忘情地仰著頭,用她極具渲染力的歌喉施展音樂巫術,還有濃得化不開的藍調吉他,你可能一整天思緒都浸泡在他們不可思議的音樂氛圍裡。
這個樂團,名叫Alabama Shakes。成團於2009年,最初由兩個在高中心理學課堂上結識、並發現音樂上志同道合的同學Brittany Howard(主吉他/主唱)與Zac Cockrell(貝斯)所組成。他們開始在課餘一起寫歌練團,並且嘗試將民謠、靈魂樂、前衛搖滾、鄉村等風格放入音樂創作中。之後吉他手Heath Fogg與鼓手Steve Johnson陸續加入,完整了樂團陣容。在他們開始現場演唱的最初,除了精湛的原創曲目之外,同時也翻唱對他們影響深遠的Led Zeppelin、James Brown、Otis Redding、AC/DC等。
在首張同名EP獲得樂評與樂迷齊聲讚揚之後,Rough Trade極具慧眼地簽下了Alabama Shakes,並且發行首張專輯《Boys & Girls》。完美融合了美國南方鄉村、藍調,復古靈魂樂韻,以及前衛搖滾、另類音樂的狂野性格,裡頭每首歌曲都在樂壇久違的傳統搖滾樂氣息中,帶給樂迷 耳目一新的聆聽感受!開場曲〈Hold On〉流暢的搖滾曲式,襯托主唱些許沙啞而滿載靈魂能量的歌聲,讓人眼睛一亮。中慢板的〈I Found You〉點綴青蔥吉他聲響,十分適合悶熱午後聆聽!〈Rise To The Sun〉沾染Kings of Leon南方搖滾復興的神采,〈Boys & Girls〉則唱著感情世界的糾葛,淡淡的三拍鄉村風格百聽不厭。
Bless my heart.
Bless my soul.
Didn't think I'd make it to 22 years old.
There must be someone up above sayin'
"Come on Brittany, you got to come on up."
"You got to hold on..."
"Hey, you got to hold on..."
So, bless my heart and bless yours too.
I don't know where I'm gonna go
Don't what what I'm gonna do.
Well, must be somebody up above sayin'
"Come on Brittany, you got to come on up!"
"You got to hold on..."
"Hey, you got to hold on..."
"Yeah! You got to wait!"
"Yeah! You got to wait!"
But I don't wanna wait!
No, I don't wanna wait...
So, bless my heart and Bless my mind.
I got so much to do, I ain't got much time
So, must be someone up above saying
"Come on girl! You got to get back up!"
"You got to hold on..."
"Hey, you got to hold on..."
"Yeah! You got to wait!"
"Yeah! You got to wait!"
But I don't wanna wait!
No, I don't wanna wait!
"You got to hold on..."
"You got to hold on..."
"Got to hold on..."
"You got to hold on..."