2013年6月4日 星期二

Bob Dylan

來段我最愛的音樂 again ....... link before


怎能不說它經典呢? link

Bob Dylan

Girl From The North Country   

If you're traveling
to the north country fair
Where the winds hit heavy
on the borderline
Remember me
to one who lives there
For she once was
a true love of mine

See for me
that her hair's hanging down
It curls and falls
all down her breast
See for me
that her hair's hanging down
That's the way
I remember her best

If you go
when the snow flakes fall
When the rivers freeze
and summer ends
Please see for me
if she's wearing a coat so warm
To keep her from the howling winds

If you're traveling
in the north country fair
Where the winds hit heavy
on the borderline
(Please say hello / Remember me)
to one who lives there
For she was once
a true love of mine

If you're traveling
in the north country fair
Where the winds hit heavy
on the borderline
Remember me
to one who lives there
For she once was
a true love of mine

True love of mine,
a true love of mine
True love of mine,
true love of mine
True love of mine,
a true love of mine
She was once
a true love of mine


今天有 sales 至本院推銷新產品 聊著他們開發項目的背景和一些問題 從 java 到 easyvet, smartvet 等 HIS 瞬間腦袋思緒頓時一湧而來 在颱風前夕 讓我有感而發一下 民國 81 年考上獸醫師國考 完成國民義務後在臨床工作了五年 之後計畫是安排繼續出國進...