Ground control to major Tom
(在阿波羅11號升空 前發行)
這是加拿大的太空人Chris Hadfield
Ground control to major Tom 地面中心呼叫湯姆少校
Ground control to major Tom 地面中心呼叫湯姆少校
Lock your Soyuz hatch and put your helmet on 關上你的太空艙門戴上你的頭盔
Ground control to major Tom 地面中心呼叫湯姆少校
Commencing countdown, engines on 開始倒數計時點燃引擎
Detach from Station, and may god’s love be with you 將脫離太空站 願上帝的愛與你同在
This is ground control to major Tom, you’ve really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear 大家想知道你支持那隻足球隊
But it’s time to guide the capsule if you da-a-a-are 先把太空船導向正確航線吧
This is major Tom to ground control, I’ve left forevermore
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way 正用怪異的姿勢飄浮著
And the stars look very different toda-a-a-ay 今天的星晨看起來與往常不同
For here am I sitting in a tin can 因為我坐在這錫罐頭裡
Far above the world 高掛在世界之上
Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing left to do 地球藍藍的 我無事可做
Though I’ve flown one hundred thousand miles 雖然我飛越了十萬英哩
I’m feeling very still 卻感到如此平靜
And before too long I know it’s time to go 再過不久就要返回
Our Commander comes down back to earth and knows 我們的太空司令將帶著自信返回地球 Ground control to major Tom, 地面中心呼叫湯姆少校
The time is near, there’s not too long 時間將至,所剩不多
Can you hear me, Major Tom? 聽得見嗎,湯姆少校?
Can you hear me, Major Tom? 聽得見嗎,湯姆少校?
Can you hear me, Major Tom? 聽得見嗎,湯姆少校?
Can you… 可以嗎…
Here am I floating in my tin can 我在我的錫罐頭裡飄浮著
Last glimpse of the world 再看世界最後一眼
Planet Earth is blue, and there’s nothing left to do 地球藍藍的 我無事可做