2013年5月28日 星期二

Perfect 10

I am waiting for charging my ipod Nano.
Even swimming is already made today,
but I just know ~ I can do it tonight.
Now the chance is coming  ~.~  

I finish it ... 10 kilometers in one hour. 
Perfect condition without any breaks !
Just only be left 0.8 kilogram to weight loss.

Just like black    It's a king in the color
Just like dark     It's a silencer in the world
I still keep graceful steps by myself in spite of a moon filled sky

Sometime, fast or slow, walk or run, 
invigorating sweat could be able to keep my faith!  

I Believe i can fly
Wish Could Fly .....


今天有 sales 至本院推銷新產品 聊著他們開發項目的背景和一些問題 從 java 到 easyvet, smartvet 等 HIS 瞬間腦袋思緒頓時一湧而來 在颱風前夕 讓我有感而發一下 民國 81 年考上獸醫師國考 完成國民義務後在臨床工作了五年 之後計畫是安排繼續出國進...